
Calling All Foodies – Festive InSPARation Recreation

SPAR recently published it’s first Christmas magazine (Festive inSPARation) filled with lots of stories, recipes and gift ideas.

I decided to try the Roast Cod, Chorizo, Baby Potatoes & Capers with my own twist, aka what I could find in my local EUROSPAR…

Photo 24-11-2019, 19 15 30


2 x 200g Salmon
2 x 200g Hake
100ml SPAR extra virgin olive oil
6 cloves garlic crushed
150g SPAR Spanish chorizo
800g Diced Irish rooster potatoes (or baby potatoes)
30g fresh parsley, finely chopped
Juice of 2 lemons
Sea salt & ground black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 180C
2. Boil the potatoes until soft
3. In a bowl, mix the potatoes with garlic, sliced chorizo, parsley, lemon juice and olive oil
4. Spread this mix out over a roasting tray and place the fillets of fish in between
5. Sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper and bake for 20-25 mins until the fish is cooked

I loved this recipe so much. I wouldn’t have chosen Hake but the mixture of Hake and Salmon was delicious!


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