A diary of a Chikkk returns!
So recently I’ve been talking to a few people who wanted to know why I’d stopped writing my blog ( can’t believe people actually read it) and honestly it was just because I couldn’t think of interesting things to write about and I didn’t really think people were that interested. 2 years on, I’ve finished my first year of uni, moved out and need to keep myself busy and occupied so what better time than now to let you lovely people back into my life, my head and my online diary?!
I read through my old blogs and it’s funny how much has changed and ironically how much advice I’ve given myself and need to listen to at this moment in time. My plan is to write a blog every fortnight or so and see how long I can keep it up. Some of the topics I’ll be covering include relationships, business life, marriage and of course all things dessert!
I apologise in advance for my terrible grammatical errors. I hope you enjoy the things I write about!